A reference book, A to Z Visual Language. The symbolism and meanings in religious art are designed for a particular audience who seeks another world. Art and Iconography in traditional Byzantine styles are not political, but experiential. Sacred art invites the soul to see and question a shift in your understanding. After reading through the book, Iconography is a Visual Language, the next time you are in a museum you will be comfortable questioning your thoughts and conclusions as you view sacred art. You will have a new freedom to imagine who made that image and why. Learning how Iconography is a Visual Language will help stimulate the viewer into bewilderment and awe.
Iconography is a visual language
Coloring Book for Women,
Religious Art and Iconography
Many of the 65 illustrations are sacred lines handed down from generation to generation, others are free-form and new in the age of change. seventy-two contemporary designs and images highlight saintly women that have been in the organized church for centuries. Religious and saintly women are being honored today along with new visual interpretations based on historical evidence. The collection of iconography templates is a tool for establishing more female presence in art and religion.
This coloring book gives you a chance to color your world and celebrate you're being here now. Grace comes when we least expect it, so, while looking at each line remember you are part of a long history of female saints and Christian mystics. There is a growing interest in Orthodox iconography around the world attracting women's spirituality and methods for meditation. These images come from the Byzantine tradition,
How to paint icons Workbook and journal
How to Paint Icons NEW EXPANDED version is a practical workbook and journal for focusing on the traditional methods of egg tempera done in the Byzantine style. This book is intended to give iconographers a place to document their process. Concentrating on techniques, materials, and insights while archiving your work enhances the iconography practice. The workbook/ journal will offer an opportunity to focus on the smaller aspects of icon writing with tips and shared discoveries.
Examples and illustrations are arranged to help you progress step -by-step. The journey of an iconographer surpasses the feeling of being spiritual and becomes knowledge of God written in stone. Prayer and iconography come together in this workbook and study guide for icon painters. This workbook unfolds sequentially by chapters, illustrations, places for recording your commentary, exercises and helpful hints for you.
Available through Lulu.com.support the small companies. Pages 60
16. 90
Embossing Metal
Embossing Metal: Templates and Beginner Techniques for tooling metal foil pewter is an essential resource. Russian and Greek iconographers employ countless elaborate design styles in metal. Our How to book is a collection of icon templates for those devoted to traditional fine craftsmanship. Beautifully embellished halos have been a Byzantine iconographical legacy and tradition for centuries. Craft and hobby lovers will enjoy this introduction to Metal Embossing. The first section of the book discusses tools, supplies and technique. After describing the tools and supplies, I give you basic techniques, step-by-step, to teach yourself how to create borders and halos to embellish your icons. The process is simple, and only requires investing hours of focused practice. After about ten hours of practice, you will begin to sense and feel the amount of pressure required to make fluid designs and texture. Available through Amazon and Buy on Lulu support the small companies Lulu.com. 42 pages ISBN 9781716675232
Prayers for Mother Earth:
Mary Jane Miller believes that awareness and a change of heart will help us find the courage to open ourselves to deepening care for the planet. It may take some sacrifice on our part. As Christ said, “Where your heart is, there will be your treasure.” If we learn to treasure the wonder of humanity, we will love the natural world that surrounds us. In Harmony with the concept, if we treasure the natural world, we will love humanity in all its magnificent diversity. In closing, Gratitude, Compassion, Repentance, and Guidance are gifts of the Holy Spirit. Hear my plea for Creation. Keep me, guide me, protect me, oh safe refuge! You know very well how desperate I am, my pain, and how I am bound by ignorance. In your hands, any situation can be resolved. ORDER INFO
15.90 US$
Women in Iconography
The Orthodox Church and its long history of iconography have created a language of theology that potentially teaches us how to love and the quiet surrender that accompanies it. When we witness the faces of women with their trans-like stares, we journey into a deep silence – a meditative silence that allows us to experience our thoughts purely. Women in Iconography is a 52-page book.
Their presence is my testimonial to their witness to the divine, even as we are witnesses today. 42 plates are included in the collection. The Estano, (repouse) Hand tooled Pewter, was done by my husband, Valentin Gomez as we work as a team here in Mexico. The pewter or silver work you find on ancient icons was designed to protect and preserve the image as they traveled from place to place and in ancient times into battle. Icons see us as we see them. Available through Amazon and Ingram Sparks, it supports the smaller companies
​Life of Christ
Knowledge of God made visible in Jesus the Man.
Visual storytelling wants the reader to engage with the story, in response to what you see as you ponder the image. The images are juxtaposed with text describing each image's history, religious context and my reflections on our world today. The book includes a Table of Contents, Into and three distinct sections that build on new conclusions. Section 1, The life of Jesus: his beginnings, Section 2, Signs and Wonders: miraculous events witnessed by his disciples, Section 3 Christ: spiritually present and emotionally tangible. The icons engage us first visually, then our emotions, our mind and our imagination. Life in Christ is a 110-page full color book that incorporates 30 icon images, painted by the author in the traditional egg tempera technique, using egg yolk and ground earth pigments mixed together to create divine image.
Miller's books purchased on LULU.com. Support the smaller companies a bit cheaper too.

24.00 US$
Iconography and Meditation
Icon Painting and their Secret Technique
This book reads as a step-by-step guide, for how to create your own icon. The 12-step sequence is a simplified road map for proceeding from vision to creation. Every step is accompanied by suggested meditations to focus the mind with more awareness on who we are painting. However, while easy to follow detailed instructions about technique and materials are provided, my main objective is to emphasize the mystical experience of the process itself. The painter or writer of an icon will come to better understand the two natures of Christ – flesh and spirit. The mystery is revealed in the process and meditation technique. St. Athanasius says: “Christ became man that man might become God.” This simple statement has intrigued and confounded me my whole adult life. Eight words explain perfectly the relationship of flesh and spirit and how they are inextricably connected. When the icon painter paints an image of the divines invisible nature it is the same sort of relationship. Painting from the heart, leaving an imprint of our prayer.
Available through Amazon and Buy on Lulu support the small companies Lulu.com.
In light of Women
Mary Jane Miller’s book about one Woman’s Journey with Contemporary iconography is a provocative addition to the growing body of work (both image and text). Her images extend the reach of the icon beyond the boundaries of the Orthodox tradition. This collection was created by a women iconographer in Mexico. She offers a selection of her icons arranged in three chapters: Mary Icons – The Most Popular through the Ages; The Gospel of Mary Magdalene – Icons Inspired by the Gnostic Text and Creative Insights and Image from Traditional Theology; and Feminine Voice. Miller conveys her feminist arguments with passion and ingenuity, offering a critique of the position of women in the historical church. Her Byzantine style iconography visually echoes many of the arguments of feminist theologians and biblical critics of today. ORDER INFO
The Ranch A Story of the Predictable but Completely Unexpected
Twelve short stories unfold as Mary Jane discovers love in the desert for the first time. The Ranch by Mary Jane Miller describes Mexico in the early 70's, a time forgotten with behaviors and lifestyles left for the history books. She offers a glimpse through humorous events and activities you might find have found on any ranch around the country. There is no doubt that our human capacity for love of beauty, awe, and surprise is never out of date and always worth remembering. Young readers will find this bi-cultural adventure packed with anthropological moments that come to life. “ I was introduced to a lifestyle on a ranch outside San Miguel Allende and one particular family when I spoke no Spanish and they spoke no English ”. Whether getting water or getting married humans have changed little from one generation to the next. ORDER INFO
The book begins with a clear introduction to the historical value for walking the the Stations of Cross as a ritual. The collection of painted images are brilliantly artistic, accompanied by Millers genius interpretation. Either reading them alone or as a group this small book of image and text provokes deep thought. The meditations stimulate new insights into today's world.
One member said, “I found myself sufficiently vulnerable to walk in Jesus’ shoes, shoulder his burdens, open my heart and broaden my intentions to better see His message of love and surrender” 35 pages of spiritual strength and wisdom waiting to be revealed as you witness and walk. Stations of the Cross is available through Lulu support the small companies Lulu.com.
The Stations of the Cross
The three coloring books are loaded with images for embellishing or to use as a template for icon design.They each begin with a clear introduction to the historical commentary and proceed with images and a place provided for journaling. Miller's thoughts and ideas will inspire those who love icons to go deeper in the practice. Either reading the text or redrawing the ancient images or working as a group these coloring books are fun. They will provoke deep thought and meditation to stimulate new insights into today's world. Also available Just on LULU a bundle of two coloring Books and the Embossing Metal 35.90
Available through LULU.com
The mother of Jesus called Mary is the most revealed and common image women find in the Christian Church Institution. She offers many deep mystical messages, without ever opening her mouth. “Who is Mary?” In my head, I went from the grieving and weeping Mary of the Renaissance, through the mystical distant gaze of Mary in ancient Byzantine iconography, to the understanding that Mary is a place in the heart; she is a revelation, a guide, an example of female wisdom who arouses epiphanies. She is the womb through which Christ entered the world. Orthodox style icons of the Virgin Mother speak volumes about the eternal communication between the love of a mother and that mystery of love which abides in us all. This collection of Mary icons captures the great mysteries of the Madonna, 32 FULL COLOR illustrations Paperback, 40 pages. ORDER INFO
28.78 US$
Humanity has always recited prayers for the sick, those in need, the broken and homeless. Our devotions are direct petitions to God for humankind. From generation to generation, we have prayed for brother and sister, wives and children, parents and neighbors, but left God to care for the environment. The Joyful Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, Luminous Mysteries, Glorious Mysteries, are all Meditations for humanity. I have included a section on Visible Mysteries as well.
There is a divine plan revealed through humanity, but who is taking care of Earth? Rosary Meditations and Care for Creation is a new version of the traditional Rosary prayed by Catholics for centuries. In these 50 pages, we come to appreciate our delicate and imperishable relationship to God and Planet Earth. Rosary Meditations and Care for Creation Available through LULU.com
Rosary Meditations and Care for Creation
19.80 US$