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Icon Painting Workshop in Egg Tempera



 San Miguel Allende
January 20th to 24th 2025

in the studio 9 am to 3 pm each day
Cost 360.00




Stevensville, Texas

August  4th to 8th 2025

Monday through Friday

9 am till 3 pm each day
St Luke’s Episcopal Church

Cost 595.00 USD

CANCELED till September 2025

at the Monastery of the Soledad,

in Atotolnilco, San Miguel Allende

5 day silent workshop, 4 nights,

and meals included

Cost 580.00


Icon lessons 25a.jpg









Icon Painting imagery is structured by lines, color values, shapes, textures, space, and movement. There is a world beyond straight lines and curves, yellow for the sun, green for the grass, red for roses, etc. The earth's abundance and diversity can be found in tiny colored particles that make up egg tempera paint. We use it to create divine images.

Egg Tempera Painting
uses fine ground Earth Pigments.

The color in Byzantine iconography feels ancient when you look at it because it is! The individual colors are lustrous,  granular, sandy, or soft ochres they are radiantly bright and precious. The sheen from the egg yolk can turn the surface glossy and look as if it is saturated with life.


The depth of the color is created as a result of many thin layers, each with distinct tone and personality. When one pigment dries and another layer covers it, I grieve. I am forced to conceal the spontaneous beauty revealed by the application of another layer of color. Yet with enough layers, new forms arise, rich, and deep in quality.


The layers become transparent after 3 to 6 months, and the under painting is magnificent. The end product seems to be inevitably harmonious just because the pigments themselves were created side by side in time and space, in the same way the planet evolved. Ancient earth history mixed with the human expression for the divine, what a match!

Please, Join the Icon Painting Workshop

Even if you do not have a particular bent towards religious imagery, you cannot deny the quality of the pigments and their fascinating character.

Simple beauty is intriguing, pushing around small particles of dirt which dry and form unimaginable patterns. I am fascinated by drying sand at the beach, mud puddles, and water, or cracked earth in the desert. These patterns repeat themselves on an icon but in minuscule format. The practice of Iconography is pure delight.

Click Here for short videos YOU TUBE

Sacred Icons Retreat

We offer an ongoing thursday group 10 am to 2 Pm

in the Studio in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Contact us for class schedules or hosting a workshop at your church,
retreat center, or monastic community.

For private icon painting classes and online consultations please contact me anytime.

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